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Zen is Pure Awareness MEDITATE NOW Realize your true potential FREE DISCOVERY SESSION Mindfulness inModern Era ENQUIRE NOW
"It does not matter if you are a rose or a lotus or a marigold. What matters is that you are flowering"

Finding Your Own Inner Peace

Finding Your Own Inner Peace

Our Core Vision

Zen Living is an initiative towards multidimensional growth of human consciousness. Over the past few years we have reached across to thousands of fellow beings from all walks of life and inspired them on a journey of a Meditation and Holistic Wellbeing. A small group of friends are on their spiritual journey for realization of eternal self is sharing their heart and life experiences. Our offerings include Individual  Meditation Sessions, Holistic Life Coaching and Zen at Work for corporate world. Our endeavour is that each one of us can flower to their ultimate potential and live a healthy, balanced and meditative life.

Meditate… do not delay, lest you later regret it.

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Events and Webinars

At Zen Living we conduct online meditation and yoga classes along with sound bath and hypnosis sessions. These sessions are conducted on daily, weekly and fortnightly basis. We look forward to participation of friends from across the world to raise their vibrations and feel the energy in the body and silence in the mind. We arrive at a Zen state of being by making meditation as a way of life and living moment to moment. We look forward to presence of people with similar interests in these events, book your session now and experience the state of Relaxed Awareness.
